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    How to pasteurize milk?


    Milk pasteurize temperature is 72-85, bacteria are killed but still keep milk nutrition and good taste at the same time. After centrifugalfilterfat standardizationhomogenizerpasteurization and cooling, then filled and supply to consumers through cold chain. 

    Milk routed via the pasteurizer product pump from the balance tank into the heat exchanger regeneration section. The regeneration area is divided into two sections to allow the separation and evaporation at the optimal temperature.

    The pasteurizer includes a separator to separate the cream at about 55° C. The

    manual standardization system allows certain cream back to skim milk.

    The whole milk to be processed and supplied to the evaporator has a temperature of 73 - 75 and a concentration of min.11.4 % TS.

    One flow plate is designed to bypass the separator and/ or evaporator.

    In the following heating section of the pasteurizer the temperature is increased to 85°C

    pasteurization temperature. Afterwards the milk is routed through holding tube to keep the

    temperature for 15 seconds. A diversion valve assures the return of the product into the balance tank, if the temperature drops below pasteurization temperature. Booster pump assure the pasteurized milk pressure higher non-pasteurized side, to avoid pollution due to plate leakage. Then milk cooled down to 4°C.

    The plate heat exchanger designed for a heat regeneration of approx. 90% in order to

    reduce the running costs for steam and ice water. Pasteurization temperature can be adjusted during 75-85°C, constant running under certain pasteurization temperature.90% heat regeneration under 85°C running.
